About us

Pakistani universities are graduating a significant number of students annually. However, the capacity of both the public and private sectors to absorb and integrate these talented individuals remains limited. There are thousands of opportunities around us in Pakistan. However, the laid-back attitude and the lack of purpose and an entrepreneurial mindset does not motivate the students to appreciate and discover these opportunities.

Embracing a higher purpose in life, coupled with an entrepreneurial mindset, grants life a deeper meaning and empowers individuals with the determination and courage to pursue goals beyond personal happiness. We firmly believe that nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset among our students can propel them to actively participate in nation-building initiatives, contributing not only to Pakistan’s growth but also to the service of humanity

The GIFT, CEM plays an important role in changing the mindset of students, staff and faculty.  The CIM faculty will be offering its courses to GIFT students. 

The CEM works on following types of mindset through its various courses:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Service Mindset
  • Intrapreneurial Mindset

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

The Entrepreneurial mindset prepares the individual to live a life of meaning and purpose and be the owner of one’s own destiny. Students undergo the Entrepreneurship Plus model (The effectuation theory of entrepreneurship and the teachings of Dr. Iqbal). The salient features of the E Plus model are:

  • Instead of working for far-fetched visions, start with your own means i.e. bird in hand (Who you are, what you know, whom you know, and what you have)
  • Take calculated risks and diversify your risk
  • Leverage your surprises by looking at opportunities during these surprises
  • Keep on finding self-selected partners

The E Mindset module transforms the thinking process and helps the individual to be a problem-solver and an opportunity identifier with the least amount of resources.

The Service Mindset

The S Mindset module prepares the individual to live and work beyond selfishness. The S Mindset has the following features:

  • Developing a noble vision
  • Character building
  • Working on self (Time management, Sleep management, House Management, Healthy lifestyle, Tayyab food, Health and fitness)
  • Serving your family (parents, siblings, grandparents, relatives)
  • Serving your neighbors and surroundings
  • Taking care of pets and animals
  • Taking care of the environment (water, air, soil.)

The Intrapreneurial Mindset

The I mindset helps the individual to contribute towards organizations in an entrepreneurial manner. The I mindset module prepares for the following:

  • How to contribute towards SMEs, MSMEs, Corporations, Governmental Organizations and non-governmental organizations.
  • How to be of service to others
  • Manners to greet and welcome
  • How to prepare a CV to share your enthusiasm for problem-solving
  • Prepare for Internships, Projects, and Jobs


Our mission is to help the students, faculty and community to help discover their various mindsets i.e. entrepreneurial mindset, intrapreneurial mindset so that they pursue entrepreneurial opportunities around them for themselves and even working for others. This mission is accomplished through trainings, courses and workshops.


The Center for Entrepreneurial Mindset is working in line with the vision of the GIFT University, to bring about a change in society by becoming a leading educational and research institution that utilizes the latest technology and provides intellectually stimulating, professionally relevant and progressive and innovative education that is consistent with our national values and is accessible to all.

Objectives of CEM

GIFT University recognizes the need to strengthen the economy of Pakistan. Nurturing their abilities, CEM empowers students to take charge of their career paths in employment or entrepreneurship. Whatever the students choose to do, they must do it with the Entrepreneurial Mindset. The objectives of CEM are manifold:

  • Cultivating a sense of purpose intertwined with an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Fostering determination and courage to pursue aspirations beyond personal fulfillment
  • Assist them in the exploration of their inner selves and fostering Self-discovery
  • Cultivating a culture of innovation and creativity across students, faculty, and staff
  • Providing educational programs and workshops geared toward entrepreneurship, including startup planning and execution
  • Facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration by integrating students and faculty from diverse academic disciplines into entrepreneurial projects.
  • Promoting an understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with entrepreneurship, including calculated risk-taking, resilience, and adaptability
  • Cultivate a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurship that celebrates diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility.
  • Providing resources and support to aspiring entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into sustainable enterprises.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities for entrepreneurs to engage with mentors, investors, and industry leaders.

Rector’s Message

GIFT University is an Emerging Entrepreneurial University in Pakistan and is working to spearhead the entrepreneurial revolution in Pakistan by promoting environmentally, socially, and ethically sensitive businesses and a nation-building mindset. 

The University is working on preparing well-rounded individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset I.e., finding their best self (concept of Khudi), belief in resource abundance, a sense of purpose (looking beyond profit), sense of wonder (seeing the world through an effectual lens) and service. We believe that the application of the entrepreneurial mindset can help the youth in not only new venture creation but also help existing business, private and governmental organizations in terms of problem-solving, introducing innovation, and growth. 

Dr. Shahid Qureshi
Rector, GIFT University

Director’s Message

This center is unique and one of its own kind in helping the students and faculty discover their hidden potential. We welcome the students, faculty and community to be a part of our programs and be a part of the change.

Dr. Hafiz M. Abubakar Siddique
Director CEM
GIFT University, Gujranwala